[2015-11-30 19:13:13] 来源:ZGSS  作者:《民主与法制》杂志社刘桂明总编辑





To see the Lawsuit on the top of Tai Mountain


Summary of China Lawsuit Forum 2015 at the closing ceremony


Liu Guiming



Distinguished fellow guests, friends, lawyers,


The China Lawsuit Forum 2015 is drawing to a close. As the committee’s arrangement, I’ll make a summary of this forum.


Undoubtedly, the China Lawsuit Forum has profound and lasting significance. This is a real folk forum and professional platform that is wholly for lawyers’ exchange and communication. Furthermore, it is a corporation platform for every legal profession to participate in. The most important thing is that this forum is held in Tai Mountain. What’s the meaning of Tai Mountain? I believe everyone has a better understanding. In these two days, everybody have talked and discussed about the lawsuit system, lawsuit procedure, lawsuit method, lawsuit rule, lawsuit legalization, etc. under the theme of procedure justice, legal justice, and social responsibility. The meaning of the lawsuit has been expanded and is explained from different kinds of aspects.


Now, let me make a simple summary based on everyone’s thought and study of the lawsuit. This first key issue is the lawsuit. So, what is lawsuit? Or what does the lawsuit stand for? As we all known, the lawsuit is in reference to an action brought in a court of law under its judicial authority. Generally speaking, lawsuit is an activity brought by one party who go to the court, and then be solved by an authority. Actually, we had the word of lawsuit in the ancient times. But the modern meaning of lawsuit was quoted from Japanese legal term.


So let’s talk about the lawsuit in this forum. Through our discussion these days, we believe the lawsuit should contain the meaning from following aspects:


First, lawsuit is a procedure system. The most important meaning of the lawsuit among other different explanation is its institutional design. When disputes come up between two parties, the law will design a system and provide a platform for those parties to claim and argue for themselves. Since those disputes happened out of different basis, the criminal action, civil action and administrative action have been developed thereof. In short, whatever you are the government or civilian, plaintiff or defendant, whatever you stand for the prosecution or the defense, this institutional design could cover all of them.


Second, lawsuit is a process of disputes. It is a process of the dispute’s beginning and finish, and also a process of the action’s appearance and termination. So, in other words, lawsuit refers to the process of the case’s filing and its closure. This lawsuit might be a criminal action, which is about whether there is a crime. This lawsuit might be a civil action, if there is about tort or breach of contract. This lawsuit might also be an administrative action, if it is brought by the civilian against government. Disputes make the lawsuit possible. Meanwhile, the lawsuit is to solve those disputes.


Three, lawsuit is an undetermined status. Undoubtedly, from the perspective of its form, the lawsuit is an undetermined status. This undetermined status is a certain status for both parties’ jural relationship. This certain status indicates that disputes between parties’ jural relationship might be based on each party’s payment, confirmation and variation, or the legitimacy of administrations’ administrative act. Therefore, ways of the civil liability for compensation include cessation of infringement, removal of obstacles, elimination of dangers, restitution of property, repristination, eliminating effects, rehabilitating reputation, and offering an apology. Such adjudication is aiming to rehabilitate or fix to the original status, instead of staying at the undetermined status.


Four, lawsuit is a specialized knowledge. From the description above, lawsuit is a kind of institutional design, and also is about facts of disputes. Therefore, how to engage the lawsuit and how to solve the dispute need the specialized knowledge. Only legal professions can master this specialized knowledge. Parties from the lawsuit could not understand and master the professional knowledge of lawsuit. Therefore parties rely on and hire the legal professions to stand for them to participate the lawsuit. Those legal professions are lawyers, who claim legal rights and collect the evidence for the parties. Meanwhile, the completion of lawsuit needs other legal professions’ effort, like the judge and prosecutors. This specialized knowledge is about how to engage in a lawsuit, how to judge a case and how to prosecute charges. For lawyers, this specialized knowledge refers to find advantages of the procedure and effectiveness of evidence.


Five, lawsuit is a professional relationship. This professional relationship is jural relationship, which is based on rights and obligations under the law. Either the relationship between the judge, prosecutor and lawyer, or the relationship between the judge, prosecutor, lawyer and parties is the jural relationship. For the judge, prosecutor and lawyer, it is an equilateral triangle relationship. For the lawyer and parties, it is a relationship of appointment and delegation. In the civil action, the plaintiff and defendant are equal in front of the court, and the judge acts like the arbitrator in the middle to solve disputes. At the modern time, in the civil actions, most countries accept the third party beneficiary as one party of the lawsuit. Under this situation, the real parties are beyond the plaintiff and defendant. China’s criminal action has the similar situation, where the third party beneficiary will be the victim. The victim is one party of lawsuit, who also acts as a complainant but holds different standpoint with prosecutors. So this professional relationship is simple and complicated, passive and initiative, professionals included and non-professionals included.


Six, lawsuit is legal service. The legal service refers the lawyer’s legal service provided to parties. In the criminal cases, lawyer may be the attorney of victim, or the defense lawyer. In the civil action and administrative cases, lawyer can provide legal service for any party. If it is civil action, lawyer represents one party by client’s authorization or court’s appointment under the law.  Professional speaking, it is the system of lawsuit representation, which is generally called legal service. Lawyer’s authority of accepting and engaging the proceeding is the power of representation in the lawsuit. Only people who have such power can be called the agent ad litem, who are able to provide the legal service for parties.


Seven, lawsuit is a professional activity. Either professional relationship or legal service reflects a professional activity. For example, in the criminal case, the professionalism exists in the investigative organ’s collection and recognition of facts and evidence, prosecuting organ’s filling and supporting of prosecution. Furthermore, the professionalism exists in the defense lawyer’s meeting, examination of papers, research and collection of the evidence, and the defense. Lastly, the professionalism exists in the adjudication organ’s estimation and examination of both parties’ claims, summary of the controversial issues, and the reasoning and acceptance of the evidence and facts. All of these activities are professional activities of judging facts, examining evidence and applying the law. This professional activity is the process of procedure’s launching, practice and application.


Eight, lawsuit is a method of expression. The process of lawsuit includes the filling the lawsuit, courts’ judgment and execution of an award. Promote the process is realized by the dynamic process, which includes the facts and legal questions’ disputes, withstanding, compromise and adjudication. Civil case sometimes is about the civil legal relationship’s appearance, modification or termination; sometimes is about people’s rights’ infringement or the jural relationship’s destruction. Therefore, the one whose right is infringed needs to find a stage to express his or her claim. The other party, who is charged, needs to object to the claim. So both parties’ expressions are in accordance with both the procedural and substantive meaning. Actually, the expression here refers to both the expression in the court and outside the court. For example, in the environmental public litigation or the relevant administrative litigation, whatever the party loses or wins the case, whatever the case is closed via verdict or mediation, the basis is the expression. Therefore, for the other similar cases, the most important thing is not the result of case, but the meaning of expression during the lawsuit.


Nine, lawsuit is an art of language. If we describe the function of lawyers’ legal service by using the literature sentence, the lawyer is a profession that is entrusted during the difficult times and providing works between the black and white. Through the hard work, lawyers are capable to make the complexity simple, turn the bad into good, and rescue victory from defeat. Specifically, the art of lawyers’ language exists in their representation, questioning, answering and objection in front of the court. Similarly, the prosecutors’ language is also kind of art. For the judge, the art of language does not mean speak a lot, but mean the time to talk and its content. Of course, the legal writing of judgment also reflects the language’s art. In sum, for legal professions, the lawsuit is not only about specialized techniques, but also type of art of language.

十、诉讼是一个普法讲堂。正如刚才补充道,诉讼还是一个普法讲堂。 本来我的总结是九点,加上中国法律援助基金会项目部副主任杨彦萍刚才补充的一点就是十点了,就显得十全十美了。如果这两天讨论最多的就是程序正义与法律正义,那么今天又重点讨论了社会责任,所有这几个问题,正好是本次论坛的主题。在我看来,只有通晓程序正义与法律正义并具有社会责任的法律人,才是十全十美的法律人。作为法律人,我们通过诉讼这个讲堂,让当事人乃至社会各界逐渐知道,诉讼的功能是什么,诉讼的目的是什么,诉讼的价值是什么,如何参与诉讼,如何解决诉讼,如何化解诉讼,什么是权利与义务,什么是侵权与违约,什么是民主与法制,什么是过错与责任,什么是违法与犯罪,什么是犯罪与刑罚,什么是犯罪构成要件,什么是因果法律关系,什么是法无明文规定不为罪,什么是法无授权不可为,什么是法定职责必须为,什么是疑罪从无,什么是无罪推定,什么是程序正义。由此可见,诉讼确实是一个十全十美的普法讲堂。

Ten, lawsuit is classroom of learning the law. This meaning was added by the deputy director from project department of China Legal Aid found, Yang yanping. We have talked a lot of procedure justice and legal justice in these two days, and we emphasized the social responsibility today. Those three issues are in accordance with the theme of this forum. In my opinion, the perfect legal professions should be the people who understand the procedure justice and legal justice and undertake the social responsibility at the same time. As legal professions, through the lawsuit, which is a classroom of learning, we make the parties and the public learn lawsuit’s function, aim and value, make them know how to engage and solve the lawsuit, what is the rights and obligations, what is tort and breach, what is democracy and legal system, what is wrongdoing and liability, what is crime and penalty, what is the component element of crime, what is causation, and what is non-crime without the clear regulation of law, what is not-allowed-to-do without the law’s authorization, what is must-to-do under the legal responsibility, what is presumption of innocence, and what is procedure justice. As we can see, the lawsuit is indeed a perfect classroom for leaning the law.


Fellow guests and lawyers, the lawsuit is the manifestation of the national and civil willpower. Its function is not only to recognize and rehabilitate the past facts, but also to rehabilitate the past jural relationship. Lawsuit is a tool of both public protection and self-protection. Accordingly, the lawsuit is the procedure. And the justice of lawsuit is the procedure justice and legal justice.


Thousands years ago, Mencius said, Confucius feels the Lu kingdom is smaller when he is on the top of the East Hill, and the world is smaller when he is on the top of the Tai Mountain. Therefore, the higher we stand, the farther we can see, and the wider horizon we will have. Today, the China Lawsuit Forum comes to the Tai Mountain and stands on the top of it for the first time. With the vision’s transfer and expansion, I believe everybody has the new thought towards our lives. Today, when we are standing on the top of the Tai Mountain to see all, to see the lawsuit, to see the disputes among people, we seem to have new understanding. This new understanding is that, among each legal profession, cooperation overweight resistance, and cooperation must stronger than resistance. So, the lawsuit is not a life-or-death struggle, but an equal objection; the lawsuit is not higher-or-lower position, but an equal expression; the lawsuit is not win-or-lose competition, but an equal cooperation.


Chairman Xi said, let people feel the justice and fairness in each judicial case. In other words, let people feel the procedure justice, legal justice and social responsibility in each lawsuit.


Thanks this forum’s creativity and planning. Thanks every lawyer’s participation and contribution. Thanks the Tai Mountain gives us the deeper thoughts.

2015118  山东泰安)

(November 8th, 2015 Tai’an, Shandong Province)



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