[2015-11-30 19:29:58] 来源:ZGSS  作者:著名艺术家 赵诚祥





China Lawsuit Forum 2015 Opening Speech





Good morning, everybody!


Today, Chinas law professions long-expected China Lawsuit Forum 2015 begins in Taian Shandong Province!



As the party of organizing committee of China Lawsuit forum 2015, we welcome all the fellows to participate this forum, and appreciate all the guests and friends from the social public, who heartily promote the construction of our nations legal system, the development of lawyers service and the development of our nations legal aid career.



Ladies and gentlemen:


From the perspective of modern meaning of law, lawsuit is the important legal procedure to confirm the parties rights and obligations. Undoubtedly, lawsuit is the legal route to realize parties substantive rights, interests and obligations under the law.



In the procedure of law, as China law professions of the legal community, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, policemen, etc. will appear with their own identity, to safeguard law enforcements accuracy, to maintain the societys fairness and justice, and to promote the development of construction of our nation legal system.



Therefore, in order to meet the needs of comprehensively govern the nation according to law, we legists, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, etc. hold this China Lawsuit Forum 2015 with the theme of Procedure justice, legal justice, social responsibility. We consist of a platform to communicate the legal thinking, and create a stage for legal wisdoms promotion, which is based on the strategy of comprehensively govern the nation according the law by the General Secretary, <Communist Party of Chinas Decision on all-round progress of comprehensively govern the nation according the law> by Eighteenth National Congress, and the <Opinion of perfection legal aid system> by the leading group for overall reform, Communist Party of China Central Committee.



I believe, this China Lawsuit Forum 2015 will contribute to our nations legal justice, social justice and legal construction.



Distinguished fellows, ladies and gentlemen:



Theres an old saying, which is Tai Mountains safety means the societys safety. Therefore, the name of Taian itself means that country is prosperous and people are at peace.



Because of the meaning of Taian, the place of holding the China Lawsuit Forum 2105 reflects our best wishes to our countrys prosperity and peoples happy life.



We Chinese people have admired Tai mountain for a long time. Tai mountain has the good reputation of first of the Five Mountains. And from of old, the society has the legend story of Climb the Tai mountain, Protect the safety.



Since the China Lawsuit Forum 2015held in Taian, we bless our country thriving and prosperous, and people are all living in peace. Furthermore, we bless this China Lawsuit Forum become a famous cultural brand and stand like a giant on Chinas legal profession, like the towering Tai Mountain.



Distinguished fellow guests, ladies and gentlemen!



Welcome to China Lawsuit Forum 2015again!



At last, lets bless the success of China Lawsuit Forum 2015!



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